LGBT Research Community

“Coming Out” to Gay and Lesbian History’ Study Day, Saturday 8 February 2014, 10am-4pm, bldg 85, Highfield campus

January 21, 2014
by Laurence Georgin

russia-gay-650x403This annual LGBT History study day is this year held as a Lifelong-Learning event. We welcome anyone interested in LGBT History to come and explore an exciting and varied programme.

We will be holding this one-day cultural event on Saturday 08 February consisting of a series of short talks led by experts from within the University. This thought provoking and inspiring conference will provide you with the opportunity to learn and engage in discussion about gay and lesbian history from academics of international distinction.

This unusual study day is an opportunity for you to explore and discuss the new field of lesbian and gay history. Our aim is to look at personal case studies from the past thousand years, from Britain and Europe, and particularly to use a rich variety of historical sources to illustrate the challenges of finding and understanding homosexuals in the past.

Novarro Ben Hur postcardIn a range of talks, by experts from the History department and outside speakers, we will consider the changing attitudes to same-sex activity – whether tolerance or discrimination – but also try to look at the subject from the perspective of the lesbian or gay man. Topics range from medieval Britain through to modern central Europe, from religious attitudes and lesbian sex, through to male homosexuality under totalitarian regimes. By the end of the day you will have learnt about the richness of this ‘hidden history’ and the problems the historian faces when researching it.

LGBT History Study Day 2014 Programme


£31 full rate

£21 loyalty rate (Harbour Lights Members, Friends of Parkes, English Teachers Network, university staff and alumni)

£11 discount rate (students/sixth form & college students and those in receipt of income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Working Tax Credit, Council Tax or Housing Benefit)

All prices include lunch and refreshments


To book your place, please log into our new secure Online Store to complete the application form and make payment.

Contact for more information

Name: Lifelong Learning Team


Find out about other Lifelong Learning events at

Categories: History. Tags: LGBT cinema, LGBT history and LGBT History Month.

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