LGBT Research Community

Rainbow Families on Holiday

September 25, 2014
by Carla Barrett

Brighton_logoAre you a gay or lesbian parent who has ever been on holiday with your children? If so, you may be interested in taking part in a University of Brighton study.

University research indicates that we travel more often than our straight counterparts, yet most studies on Family Tourism focus on families formed of straight parents whilst failing to address gay and lesbian families. Rodrigo Lucena is a PhD researcher who is conducting a study of what motivates gay and lesbian families when they choose where to spend their holidays and how their decision-making processes take place. If you fall into this category, Rodrigo would love to hear from you.

If you are a gay or lesbian family and have already travelled with your children (regardless of their age), please contact Rodrigo via email on so he can meet you for a short and informal conversation. Time and place will be set according to your convenience and all information will be treated confidentially.

Categories: Tourism studies. Tags: children, Gay, holiday, Lesbian, parent and Travel.

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